I realized how miserable it was going to be as I was being discharged from the hospital and I broke out in a full sweat going from my room to the lobby. I thought that I could still carry out my daily activities but after that I realized the next 6 weeks would be a little bit more difficult.
For those that haven't been to Europe, beds over here are very low to the ground and since I couldn't put my left foot on the ground it was very hard to get up. Our guest bedroom had 2 twin beds that were higher up off the ground so we moved out of our bedroom and into our guest bedroom. I spent the first 2 weeks after the surgery in the guest bedroom with ice on my foot and my it elevated. Thankfully I had my nook, my computer and my wonderful wife to help me pass the time. I think I read 5 books and watched all of Friday Night Lights in that time.
The first week felt like 1 month. I thought I would enjoy being catered too but I found out that I don't like it that much. After 2 weeks I became more comfortable with the crutches and we moved back into the bedroom.
I am now 3.5 weeks post op and feeling really good. I am currently walking with the assistance of my crutches. It is still really difficult to get around with them but thankfully I still don't have any real pain. I am also limiting how much I am out and about. The doctor told me to be very careful and to respect the pain and my ankle. Only 3 more weeks and I can throw the stupid crutches away.
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